Tag Archives: professional development

Improving the Effectiveness of Professional Development

It was great to attend the IATEFL Conference last week after a few years away. In particular, after what feels like years of working online, it was just so nice to meet people in person again and to give a … Continue reading

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Making Assessment a More Positive Experience

I had the enjoyable experience last week of speaking to a group of school and university language teachers on the theme of how to make assessment a more positive experience for students. I built on themes I have discussed in … Continue reading

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Planning Teacher CPD – Key Principles

This post is linked to yesterday’s webinar on key principles in planning effective CPD for teachers. A recording of the webinar will be available soon on the TeachingEnglish website, but here is the final summary slide with the 10 principles … Continue reading

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Assessing Children’s English – Again

If I asked teachers to ‘agree or disagree’ with the following statements, what would most say?: ‘The purpose of assessment is to allow students to demonstrate what they know’.‘One function of assessment is to increase student motivation to learn’.‘Assessment should … Continue reading

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Communities of Practice

Several teacher development projects I have worked on recently have adopted a communities of practice (CoP) model. In the context of education, this places great emphasis on creating a network of teachers who learn together and from another, over time, … Continue reading

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